Deck Deception by Ed Marlo
Deck Deception
by Ed Marlo
This booklet is a potpourri of great Marlo tricks. All kinds of magic good for close-up or parlor, comedy or drama, technique or presentation. A real grab bag. There's sure to be something for anyone in this booklet.
Some great tricks and moves in this one, including the Casanova Card Trick, Torn Deck Mystery, Telephone Numbers, Marlo's System of Cull & Stock Shuffles, The Spy, Card to Card Case, and more!
Well illustrated.
Contents Include:
- Foreword
- Double Vanish and Recovery: introductory remarks
- Casanova Card Trick (Marlo-Gardner): production of 4 Queens with slightly risque patter
- Marlo's Double Vanish and Recovery: another use for the same principle
- Torn Deck Mystery: card is selected and returned, entire deck is torn into quarters, and magician pulls our four section of selected card
- A Good Number: spectator says stop four times as Magician Hindu shuffles the deck and finds the 4 Aces
- Number Transpo: a selection changes position to the number given by a second spectator
- Marlo's Running Cut: a beautiful flourish
- Marlo's Lessinout System and Cull & Stock Shuffles: Marlo's System of Cull & Stock Shuffles
- Lessinout Cull
- Lessinout Stack
- The Spy: selection passes from one half of the deck to the other
- Divining Hanky: a handkerchief helps find the card selection
- Marlo's Card to Card Case
- The Magical Gambler: magician wins the poker hand
Details: Deck Deception by Ed Marlo
23 pages, soft covers, saddle-stitched, size: 5 1/2" by 8 1/2".
Please note: The copies we have in stock are from the Sixth printing in 1980. The books cover is a different color (fuchsia) than the one pictured.
Media Type | Shipped Product |
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