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Paul Harris Super Swindle Card Routine

  • A Super Card Fooler!!
  • Invented by Paul Harris!



A Super Card Fooler!!

Here is what Paul Harris, the Inventor of Super Swindle, says about the trick

“This incredible effect boasts a once i a lifetime method. A method based upon a new principle in card magic with is destined to become classic. I offer no apologies for my immodesty. Being a conscientious writer I felt it my sacred duty to inform you as to just how good this piece of magic really bis” “this entire routine can be performed surrounded and in slow motion. For the final nail in the coffin, I’ll go on record by saying that this is the easiest, most deceptive vanish of a playing card ever devised.”  -Paul Harris


The forgoing may sound like quite a bit to live up to, but we believe “SUPER SWINDLE” is really that good.  The effect is; A freely selected, initialed card is placed face down between two face up Jacks. The audience sees three cards in the magician’s hands. Then the tree card sandwich is openly folded into a small packet. During the folding actions, no questionable movements take place and except for the folded cards, the performer’s hands are empty. When the cards are unfolded, the selected card has vanished!! It is really and truly gone! Upon spreading the deck, the selected card is revealed reversed in the center of the deck! And it has no folds! During the entire procedure there is no lapping, palming or complicated sleights.



Skill Level: Beginner. Suitable for ages 12 to adult



A Magic Methods Product

Tags Card Routine Instructions, Super Swindle, Paul Harris
Media Type Shipped Product

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