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Original McDuff Comedy Wand

  • Very Few Left in Stock!
  • Hilarious Comedy Gag!
  • Now A Magic Collector's Item!

Original McDuff Comedy Wand

This is the Original Version of what is known now as "The Fishing Pole Wand" or "The Fall Apart Wand"

Collector's Item

Invented by Comedy Magician The Amazing Dexter Cleveland of South Carolina. 

This is the original version of The Fishing Pole Wand made famous in magic circles by Mr. David Ginn. The difference in this one and the "Improved" model that Mr. Ginn sold and we also continue to manufacturer & sell, is that there is a "knob" that you ask the child volunteer to hold rather than holding the wand proper. Once the child takes hold of the knob the wand falls apart into four pieces held together at each end by a small piece of leather.

Many performers that used this version in the 1970s when the wand was first introduced by Mr. Cleveland prefer this handling. We have very few of these available and are making them available to those of you that are collectors of magic history.

The wands we have left are not in perfect condition as they have been in storage for over 40 years. They are made of wood and a few paint defects, scratches, etc are visible upon close examination. They were all hand made in the 1970s. They are however quite useable. We'll also include a copy of the original version of the instruction sheet.

As a side note: We are currently out of stock on the "Improved" version of this comedy Fishing Pole Wand. We hope to re-introduce it very soon to the magic community. We will keep a list of those purchasing this "Original version" and once we release the Improved version again you'll be the first notified and extended a special discount price.


Skill Level: basic. Suitable for performers ages 12 to adult.

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