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Fart Bomb Bags (price is for 3 pcs.)

  • Get 3 Bags for One Price!
  • Safe Fun!

Fart Bomb Bags

3 pieces shipped per order

Just squeeze these metallic bags, throw them on the ground and within seconds they swell up and go off with a bang and a stink! Safe fun!

We suggest only using this item outdoors.

Note: This item can not ship via air. 

Please Follow All Warnings and Cautions explained on the back of each bag!

​This item may stain clothing and vinyl and other surfaces. keep away from fabrics. Do Not Consume. Do not open the bag. Do Not expose to direct sunlight or a near a source of heat.To Be Used only under adult supervision.

Skill Level: None. Suitable for ages 14 to adult.

Media Type Shipped Product